Terms of Reference:

Originator:  Chair, Alfonz Koncan (A Koncan & Associates Inc.)

Approver:  Board − Advisory Committee

Effective:  November 20, 2018

Replaces:  December 3, 2014


MTRC shall normally be comprised of between six and 10 members, appointed by their relevant organizations, on the recommendation or suggestion by MTRC.  Committee members are selected for their R&D and Industry experience in strategic technology fields, such as ICT, Industry 4.0, High Performance Computing, Advanced Manufacturing, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning), and their knowledge in respective markets and industry needs.  Current members are encouraged to make recommendations on appropriate forthcoming appointments.  Selection of full-fledged members is normally made from the following sectors:

  • Current and prospective employers
  • Business and industry
  • Professional associations
  • Governmental organizations
  • Research Institutions
  • Program partners
  • Three key educational institutions of Manitoba (University of Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, and Red River College)
  • Other educational institutions as appropriate


The MTRC provides guidance and advice on matters related to R&D, and technology trends and development across the spectrum in Manitoba, carrying out the following functions:

Advise consortium members on the training content/curricula, and resources that they have developed to support said technology deployment.

Make recommendations regarding industry training needs.

Assist in technology promotion and the general communication of information on various program activities.

Assist in the development of employment opportunities for technology training program graduates.

Assist in predicting trends that will have impact on enrolment, and on the nature and extent of the need for R&D, and technology program graduates.

Assist in the establishment of scholarships and awards for students.

Assist in the development of Technology Conferences to support R&D and industry development and growth.

Advise on what qualifications and experience should be expected of program staff.  Also share knowledge of capable and available instructors in the said technology areas.

Where possible, assist in the professional development of staff.

Promote and help establish on-the-job training placements where appropriate and feasible.

Assist in advising on accreditation for these programs where applicable.

Help identify program R&D and technology strengths and weaknesses.

Support or advise in the development of R&D/Technology Clusters, for academic and industry use, by supporting the writing, financing and program development for this project.

Assist in the development and mobilization of a business plan for Technology Clusters.

Take part in studies dealing with technology programming-related issues.

Recommend activities that MTRC may undertake, beyond the scope of the currently defined program, to meet the training and educational needs of the community.

Role for Government Advisor (e.g., NRC-IRAP − Industrial Technology Advisor;  and Growth, Enterprise and Trade − Province of Manitoba):

The Government Advisor(s) to the MTRC would be a key and important participant in the MTRC.

The Terms of Reference provide for a government component.  Our interest is that the government resource be knowledgeable and functional in identified sectors.

Important elements for the Government representative would be to:

  • Advise on the progress of various industry segments on R&D, and technology trends and uptake.
  • Observe, and advise on the need for industry development, and training in appropriate technical fields.
  • Advise on the specific topical areas whereby industry requires training.
  • Help define a path for Manitoba’s Industry as they work towards understanding technology adoption/development, and acquire training (e.g., ICT, Industry 4.0, High Performance Computing, Advanced Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) and how it could be used support those initiatives.
  • Support by providing advisory services on the establishment of a roadmaps for technology adoption; and, advise on collaborative opportunities, business strategizing/planning, and proposal development.