by Alfonz Koncan | Jul 13, 2021 | Digital Divide
The Right to Repair refers to proposed legislation in several international regions which would allow consumers the right to repair their own consumer electronic devices. In many cases, the manufacturer requires the consumer to use their service portals or systems....
by Alfonz Koncan | Feb 3, 2021 | Digital Divide
In recent articles we covered the story about how serving the high arctic will not be possible with a fibre optic line owing to the thousands of miles of buried cabled that would be necessary to connect these very remote and sparsely populated communities. However,...
by Alfonz Koncan | Nov 20, 2020 | Digital Divide
The Federal government has been busy during this pandemic. It has not only been focusing on ameliorating the effects and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has also been looking past that into what we could or should be doing once this pandemic is over. One...
by Alfonz Koncan | Oct 14, 2020 | Digital Divide
When the COVID pandemic hit our shores last winter, school systems wound down their classes towards the end of March and attempted to teach online and via other means. Many challenges were uncovered, with the digital divide being a significant challenge to families...
by Alfonz Koncan | May 18, 2020 | Digital Divide
We have witnessed a vast shift in users moving from desktops computers, to laptop computers and now to mobile phones. As a result, we have seen over the past 10 years a rapid increase in mobile phone usage and a comparative decline in desktop computers. If one of...
by Alfonz Koncan | May 6, 2020 | Digital Divide
One of the abiding fears that some of us have is that after the COVID-19 pandemic is cleared all the digital divide gains that were made with tele-medicine, tele-justice, distance education and the like are going to get swept away; that the “nattering nabobs of...