Blog – Digital Divide

My interest in providing a Digital Divide Blog is to capture some key interesting events either locally, nationally or globally. These events would indicate a moving-forward event or that of being stuck.

Furthermore, these types events show a point in time what the situation was and likely what improvements could yet be made.

Ontario Steps up to close the Digital Divide

Ontario Steps up to close the Digital Divide

One of the abiding fears that some of us have is that after the COVID-19 pandemic is cleared all the digital divide gains that were made with tele-medicine, tele-justice, distance education and the like are going to get swept away; that the “nattering nabobs of...

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Granny gets on the Internet – finally!

Granny gets on the Internet – finally!

Our mother did not want to get a mobile phone or a computer. She would always tell us, "I survived without these things to this time and I will be just fine without them!" With mom being over 90 years old now, this has been a running discussion with her for many...

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The Doctor is in and is now using Telemedicine!

The Doctor is in and is now using Telemedicine!

Telemedicine has been promised for over two decades. It has been practiced for some time in the remote regions of Canada, due to the lack of access to specialists. Many specialized equipment setups were developed for these purposes, which allows a physician to direct...

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